American Singer "Jimmy Buffett" dies at age 76.  he give hit songs

Jimmy was known for his hit song "Margaritaville". this biggest hit was released in 1977.

His X give statement on twitter : "Jimmy passed away peacefully on the night of 1 september suttounded by his family, friends, music and dogs."

Jimmy was a legends in music industry. his song "Changes in Attutudes" get place on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart and peaked at no. 8 for 22 weeks.

Jimmy was born in 1946 , on Christmas Day in Mississippi, US.

Image : fun time Jimmy Buffett at August 11 , 2007

He kown as "Parrotheads" in his fan. million followers like him.

His first album "Down to Earth" was released in 1970 

Jimmy's hit songs are "Margaritaville", "fins", "Come monday" and "Son of a son of a sailor".

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