Super Bowl Sunday passed some days, we enjoy match between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles

The advertising schedule for this year looks to be strong, but our pick for 2023 is presently this Bud Lite ad

The combination of a light beer and Grammy Award-winning musician and animal rights advocate Sarah McLachlan is what makes it so surprisingly amusing

The Beer company post the video on Instagram page with the caption, "The Busch Guide: Cold + Smooth Survival Skills

Fan also commented "Love the ad!! Winner for superbowl commercial 2023, Sarah has a great sense of humor, Masterpiece"

Football fans might recollect last year's Busch Light Super Bowl business, which highlighted a similarly as-startling appearance by Kenny G

Public also enjoy Super Bowl Halftime Show presented by Grammy award winner singer Rihanna

American eaten more than 1.4 million chiken wings on Super Bowl Sunday

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